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SilverAlchemist09's avatar

please...Don't die Tails



Tails habia recibido un feroz ataque a manos de su peor enemigo...Dark Tails...

Se sentia mareado y comenzaba a ponerse debil, el tenia una profunda herida que estaba en su pecho y la sangre brotaba sin control...
su respiracion era cada vez mas pesada y ya pudo soportarlo mas y cayo pesadamente al suelo...

Ookami y Sonic lo vieron derrumbado en el suelo y corrieron rapidamente hacia el.

Ookami tomo a Tail en sus brazos

Ookami: Tails...
Tails desperto y vio los hermosos ojos de Ookami...
Tails: Ookami?
Ookami: si soy yo Tails, por favor resiste
Tails: me alegra tener la oportunidad de verte por ultima vez
Ookami: no digas eso, te pondras bien
Tails se estaba debilitando cada vez mas...
Tails: adios OOkami , adios sonic...
Los ojos de Tails se cerraron lentamente...
Ookami : por favor Tails, despierta
Tails no respondio...
Los ojos se Ookami se llenaron de lagrimas
Ookami: Tails, por favor no te mueras, yo, yo te... amo...
Ella se acerca a Tails lentamente y besa esos frios labios...

Perdio al amor de su vida y se llevo su corazon con el...


"Tails" had been a vicious attack by his worst enemy ... Dark Tails ...

He felt dizzy and started getting weak, he had a deep wound that was in his chest and blood pouring out of control ...
His breathing was becoming heavier and was able to take it anymore and fell heavily to the ground ...

Sonic Ookami and saw him collapsed on the floor and they both ran quickly towards him.

Ookami took "Tails" in her arms

Ookami: Tails ...
"Tails" woke up and saw the beautiful eyes of Ookami ...
Tails: Ookami?
Ookami: Yes, I am "Tails" please resist
Tails: me makes me happy to have the opportunity to see you one last time.
Ookami: do not say that, you'll be fine
"Tails" was weakening more and more ...
Tails: Ookami bye, bye Sonic ...
Eyes "Tails" slowly closed ...
Ookami: please Tails, wake up
Tails did not respond ...
Ookami's eyes filled with tears
Ookami: Tails, please do not die, I, I ... love ... you
She approached "Tails" slowly and kissed those cold lips ...

She lost the love of her life and her heart took him ...

END ...

Art by :iconsilveralchemist09:
Tails Tsr and Ookami the wolf by :iconsilveralchemist09:
Tails by SEGA
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600x450px 158.78 KB
© 2011 - 2024 SilverAlchemist09
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Mangled-The-Wolf's avatar
Yo lo puedo matar.
Mi nombre es Mangle del mundo de FNAF. Mi historia es muy triste.
Perdí a 5 amigos y ahora estoy con 3.
Mi poder es ilimitado al igual que mi vida y fuerza. Mi ataque especial es la Mangle Espada Diamante.

je je quedó espectacular sin duda se merece un millon de estrellas